Wyoming County Schools is thrilled to offer online Proximity Learning tutoring for students in grades 6-8. We have contracted with Proximity Learning to provide small group after-school (ONLINE TUTORING). Tutoring class sizes are at a 4:1 student/teacher ratio.
Students will participate in the Proximity Tutoring from home, using their school issued device. There is NO Cost to the student or family for the tutoring sessions through Proximity Learning. Homes must have reliable internet. You can complete a speed test by visiting https://speedtest.wvnet.edu/
The tutoring sessions will be offered in English Language Arts and Math, grades 6-8.
Tutoring will be used to help your child "catch up" on skills. The tutoring service WILL NOT BE for Credit Recovery purposes.
Please select the content area(s) that you would like your child to receive weekly from the Proximity Learning teacher tutor.
Proximity Tutoring will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 for English Language Arts and 6:00-7:00 for Mathematics.
Please complete the FORM below for each child that you are registering for tutoring. We ask that if you register your child for Proximity Learning tutoring services, that you commit that your child will log in on time.
Proximity Learning Tutoring will begin mid-March 2022, once all registrations are complete. All registrations must be completed by NOON on Friday 25, February, 2022.
Proximity Tutoring Grades 6-8
February 23, 2022